www.guitarcommunityofindonesia.com - bekerja sama dalam pengembangan bakat (talent) "BATTLE OF THE BOOM " di buka di negara Indonesia - Malaysia - Singapore - Brunei. acara yang memperebutkan hadiah sebesar RM 15.000 dan contract recording bersama ASET RECORDS , Open Audition 1-21 Pebruari 2021 , klik button dibawah ini :
Jangan lupa Guys Cantumkan nama informasi dari GUITAR COMMUNITY OF INDONESIA (GCI).
"Battle of the BOOM is a virtual music competition showcasing the BEST bands across Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei.
As the world adjusts to the new reality of life in the midst of a pandemic, we want to provide the best platform for artists to express their musical joy during these trying times.
Battle of the BOOM will bring together new ways for artistes to bond and meet with an audience from all across South East Asia until a return to normal."